Primary Care Doctors and Family Doctors at Paradise Medical Group
At Paradise Medical Group we have both family physicians and primary care physicians. Primary care focuses on checkups, vaccinations, and physicals. Primary care physicians include family physicians, also called family doctors. Family doctors at PMG include Dr. Jason Vance, who has been a family doctor for over 25 years, and Dr. Richard Turner, who has been a family doctor for over 40 years. They are supported by family medicine staff, Shauna Price, who is Family Nurse Practitioner, and Jessica Wix, who is a Physician Assistant. You should schedule an appointment to see your family doctor at least once a year for a physical exam and health screening.
At PMG, Jaamall El Khal M.D. is a primary care physician accepting medicare.
You can also schedule your annual flu shot for your next family doctor or primary care doctor’s appointment at Paradise Medical Group.